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Only Destination to Meet Your
Mind-Body & Soul
Only Destination to Meet Your
Mind-Body & Soul
Only Destination to Meet Your
Mind-Body & Soul
Only Destination to Meet Your
Mind-Body & Soul
Only Destination to Meet Your
Mind-Body & Soul
Happy - successful
Stress Management workshop
Retreat Programs

Holistic est une unité de soins de santé d’Auroville. Notre objectif est de promouvoir et de permettre l’auto-guerison et la guérison grâce à la pratique consciente du yoga, de la méditation scientifique, de la Psychanalise, des Therapies breves systemiques, des méthodes d’acupression et de l’hypnothérapie.

Holistic propose des atelier de thérapies Naturelles, spirituelles  & scientifique – Ou l integrite de la personne et de son systeme sont pris en compte  naturelle;  des cours de guérison et de traitement adaptés à différents besoins.

Holistic a été fondée en 2015 par Christine Pauchard en revenant de Nouvelle-Calédonie où elle avait créé « Yoga et Bien-être » un centre de bien-être et de ressourcement.

What we offer

The team and its Therapeutic practice, motivation, purpose and goal follow the vision of Integral Yoga Of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

We offer Yoga classes, vocal yoga classes; Meditation, Healing sessions with NLP, Hypnotherapy; Sound Healing with Scientific Meditation, Reiki, Analysis of  Multiple Intelligence, Acupressure Massage. 

Workshops all along the year: Yoga, Meditation, Self awareness, Non-violent communication, NLP, Stress management, Senses activation. 

Our Workshops

The information is aimed to equip clients with the tools needed to begin a personal journey of wellness and to continue on exploring their health through our series of workshops.

Our Classes

Holistic programs for self-empowerment and personal growth, the classes’ open up the possibility of living life to your fullest human potential – a potential...


All our practitioners are fully qualified and experienced in their field of therapy. At Holistic, we aim to provide our clients with effective, therapeutic treatments that are carried out in...


For our specialised packages of workshops, classes, therapies etc. Please get in touch with us through this website’s contact section.

Our Therapists
