Our Retreat Programs
Fully embody who I Am for permanent Joy.
This trip to South India is intended for people already involved in yoga, meditation or inner development. The activities and sessions of this program have been developed so that this retreat is a success and that you achieve a state of mindfulness and stable inner peace. The retreat is organized over 13 days including 10 days in Auroville and three days in Tiruvanamalai
- Méditation anapana/ Pleine conscience
– méditation scientifique élaborées a partir des sciences védiques - sessions de développement personnel ( a choisir)
- One to one talk
- One acupressure healing massage
- One ayurvedic massage
- Daily yoga classes
- Repas vegetarian
Auroville And Tiruvanamalai, located in South India. Tamil Nadu. Our hotel in Auroville is a charming guest house with swimming pool along the beach.

February 2024
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