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Holistic is a Health Care  Unit founded by the Christine Pauchard in 2015.

The goal of Holistic is to heal, treat the people and help them to realize the ultimate potential within.

The mission of the Holistic is to inspire and spread the awareness about the power of Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Intergral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo.

Mission and purpose of the Holistic unit of Auroville is to make people aware about human mechanism. Physical, Mental, The Psychic, Emotions and the purpose of soul.

After so many years of research and dedicated work “I as Therapist believe that several disease can be treated without medication if the tools of modern medical science and Indian vedic science are practiced and applied in a right manner”, the founder of holistic and Head Therapist Christine Pauchard stated.

All Holistic therapists are fully qualified with certifications . Their professional profiles are showcased on our website.

 We offer a wide variety of retreats, Intensives, seminars and therapies as well as therapeutic & well being packages.
 The team consists of

Christine P. (Yoga teacher, Health coaching, NLP,  Therapeutic Thai massage instructor 

Iris G. ( Integral Yoga Healing session)

Caroline C. ( Voice exploration & Nada Yoga) 

Ricardo Martinez: Kinesiology (Therapeutic sessions & Workshops) 

For booking,  inquiries and further information about classes, Intensives, treatments, retreats and package please visit our  website:
PH/WA +91-9489805493